Hello everyone, this is the adsense encyclopedia (en.ggadsense.com). In recent years, Google has been reducing labor costs, so we have fewer and fewer channels to contact Google’s human customer service. Many times we need to contact Google’s official talent. solve some problems. Whenever we open the [Contact Us] at the bottom of the Help Center, whether it is in English or Chinese, it will set up some obstacles for us.
When we open the request booklet entry, click [Contact Us] to enter the question.
When we switched the language of the page to English, the contact entry finally appeared.
When clicking online chat or email, the system prompts: Something went wrong. Please try again.
Chinese meaning: something went wrong. please try again.
At this point, you may be a little discouraged. If you need to urgently contact the official to solve your problem, there is no contact entrance. You can contact us to open the entry for contacting Google’s corresponding enterprise email work order on your behalf (of course, this service is not required ), such as adsense help center, admob help center, google pay help center, etc.